Take Coop.co.uk/yoursay Survey & Win A £250 Voucher

YSYS Coop Survey: Co-op Food, a British retail corporation, is always concerned about customer satisfaction and experience. To collect feedback directly from customers, the retail corporation conducted Your Store Your Say Survey, which allows store visitors to share Co-op Feedback at Coop.co.uk/yoursay or www.Yourstoreyoursay.com.

If you have a receipt or an invite card from co-op stores, You can take Your Coop survey. After completing the survey, you have a chance to enter a free prize draw for a gift voucher. Just read through the article to learn about the rules and requirements eligible to enter the prize draw.

Coop co uk yoursay

Why They are Conducting the Your Store Your Say Survey

Coop Your Store Your Say Survey aims to collect customer feedback to improve the store’s service. The survey is brief and straightforward. You may earn Coop incentives, including Co-op vouchers, by simply answering a few Coop Survey questions. Your input in the survey is critical to the company’s success. Hence, they can improve their service and will be able to provide a better experience. In general, the questions are based on the following:

  • Customer satisfaction with the store as a whole
  • The duration of time it took you to check out
  • Ease of shopping and friendliness of the personnel
  • Store cleanliness
  • Staff helpfulness
  • Product quality and availability

The Co-op Surveys’ goal is unquestionably to focus on customer satisfaction. A business’s success is mostly dependent on its consumers, and happy customers are always an asset to a business.


Your Coop Survey Reward

After successful completion of the YSYS Coop survey, the co-op store offers you the chance to win £250 in Co-op Vouchers as part of its Co-op Rewards program. Each entry period features ten lucky winners.

You can easily grab the Your store your say survey rewards by fulfilling survey requirements and by following the rules and procedures given below. Customers can share their feedback through the website Coop.co.uk/yoursay or www.Yourstoreyoursay.com. The Co-ops are eagerly awaiting your feedback and value your time.


Ysys Cop Survey Rules and Regulations

  • A valid receipt with a Coop Survey Code is required for a customer to take part in the survey.
  • And also, you’ll need a computer, a smartphone, or a laptop with an internet connection and a basic knowledge of English or Spanish.
  • Must be a legal resident of the UK to participate in the survey reward prize draw.
  • 18 years old or above can participate in the prize draw.
  • There is no need for purchase or payment requirements to provide feedback or enter the prize draw.
  • To enter the prize draw online, you must complete the YSYS Coop survey.
  • Employees, representatives, officers, directors, or staff members of the Co-op retail store chain, as well as their family members, are eligible to provide feedback or join the prize draw.
  • Each survey participant is only eligible to enter the prize draw once per calendar month.
  • Every calendar month, ten winners will be chosen at random and will receive £250 in Co-op vouchers.
  • No winner will be able to convert the Coop Your Say Survey prize for cash. Accept it as a reward.


Quicksteps to Win A Coop £250 Voucher

  1. Go to Coop.co.uk/yoursay or www.Yourstoreyoursay.com to access the Co-op Survey.
  2. Fill in the essential information and the Coop Survey Code.
  3. Share Coop Feedback by completing the survey and ranking concerns.
  4. When prompted, enter your personal information.
  5. Submit the Coop Your Say survey sweepstakes for a chance to win £250 in Coop vouchers.


How to Take the Your Say Survey at Coop.co.uk/yoursay – Detailed Guide

1. Go to Coop.co.uk/yoursay or www.Yourstoreyoursay.com to learn more about the Co-op Your Store Your Say survey.


2. Read the regulations for the Coop Your Say survey prize draw and then click Continue. And Choose a receipt or invite card.

your store your say

3. Enter the details of the visit receipt, including the restaurant number, date and time of visit, and transaction number.


4. Next is the feedback page. You must select a suitable response for each question regarding your visit experience to answer the following questions.

coop.co.uk your say

5. The inquiries are about workers’ and staff’s behavior, cleanliness of the environment, precision and time necessary in arranging, payment and buy reliability, and so on.

6. Tell them about your most recent visit. And list the total cost of the things you purchased.

7. Mark how satisfied you are with the overall service.

8. Report any issues or complaints you may have encountered throughout your visit.

9. Select your age from the given options.

coop ysys

10. On the next page, press YES to enter the prize draw.

coop your store your say

11. Before entering the prize draw, make sure that your first and last names, phone number, and e-mail address are correct.

ysys coop

12. Complete the Coop Your Say Survey and submit it.


13. You will be placed into a contest to win a £250 voucher as a thank you for your opinion.


About Coop

The Co-operative Group is a British consumer cooperative retail network which is specializing in food retail and wholesale. In the United Kingdom, the network provides e-pharmacy, legal services, insurance services, and burial care services through its more than 3,700 outlets. It is the UK’s largest consumer cooperative, with over 4.6 million active members.

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Coop Contact Details

E-mail:   membershipcontactus@coop.co.uk

Phone no: 08000686727

Co-op Food
Customer Careline,
Freepost MR 9473,
Manchester, M4 8BA

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Final Words

Thank you for using your precious time to read this post. We believe that you have all of the information you need about the Co-op Survey at Coop.co.uk/yoursay, including the prizes and the steps. Don’t forget to leave a remark on the contact page here at Episurveyor.org if you have any questions. If you believe it’s worthwhile, please share it with your friends and family.




YSYS Coop Survey FAQ

What is Coop Yourstoreyoursay Survey?

Coop your say survey is a customer feedback service that collects information about customers’ visits at Coop.co.uk/yoursay. The Co-op store conducts the survey to learn about their performance, quality and flavor, and areas for improvement.

What about the criteria for taking part in the Coop Your Say Survey?

The main conditions for participating in the Co-op Food Customer Survey are a Co-op Food store receipt, a computer or mobile device with Internet access, and familiarity with the English language.

What is the prize for participating in the Coop Your Store Your Say survey?

For your honest feedback, you will be entered into a prize draw to win a £250 Co-op gift voucher.






5 thoughts on “Take Coop.co.uk/yoursay Survey & Win A £250 Voucher”

  1. Very pleased with my visit to coop today, Banannas were £ 1,05 per bag, Spar are 29 p each, Got all the stuff i needed, very helpful assistant, polite and friendly. The shop was bright and very clean, it was a pleasure to shop there, plus i got money on my coop card, cant go wrong. Thank you

  2. I like my co-op and feel as if the staff are my friends but I could be very rude about all the un necessary rigmarole on the survey. What on earth are you thinking about to inflict so much rubbish on loyal customers.

  3. Very disappointed to see that COOP has changed the rules for the survey and now it seems a regular customer can only fill out one survey a month, when we used to be able to fill out a survey every time we shop and get more chances to win. What’s the reason for that? Not a very supportive philosophy for your regular customers.


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